3rd cycle

Models First we cut the wood and stuck them with glue and paper. The next day, we nailed nails and we put a new wall. We used glue, nails, wood, a hammer, newspaper, paint, plastic, silk, silicone, plants, a saw, and tape. Then we made the roof and cut out the windows and put some plastic over them, and painted the inside black. Then we painted it all, and made the porch. We put a cross made of wood and painted it. There was sweat. Ivan, Luca,Kevin and frits we did hard work and we are mad because we used dangerous tools.

Are church Sant Maria de los Bendones .

  • cardbord box
  • plants
  • stirofome
  • colours: brown, tropical orange, pink, purple, red and blue.
  • black pen
  • silicona
  • toilet paper
  • small calender
    how do we make are church

1st: we look a museums from Asturias and came to famous churches from Asturias so we decided to make models of the churches and make a groups. So we were Lidia,Dana,Cate and Molly.
2nd: we started are church we made the base with cereal boxes , one cardboard box ,one small calender small cardboard boxes and some medium boxes .
3Rd: we glued the ``paper mache´ ´all over the box “is very difficult”.
4th:we finished gluing then, we searched for branches for trees for are church. After we looked for different colors , we were mixing colors sticking on branches and styrofoam for windows we painting the flowers of different colors.
5th:we left it to dry and did the finishing touches.

 Last week we went to Asturias. We went with two planes. First from Menorca to Mallorca, and then from Mallorca to Asturias. We went with other schools, from Caceres, (Extremadura), and Palencia, (Castilla Leon). The first day we stayed at the residence, because when we arrived, it was already 6: 30. That day, we only met our new friends, and visited the recidence. It was very big and very beautiful. The residence is like a farm; it is very big, and had cows, horses...etc. There was also a building with bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, etc... The best day was when we visited the “Cueva de Tito Bustillo”. It was very beautiful, it had stalagmites (cieling), and stalagtites, (floor) But the best bit was the cave paintings; there were horses and reindeer, that dated to over 25.000 years ago. On the last day, everyone was very sad and crying.We are still very sad that we wont see our new friends ever again, but in the future we will write to them. Dana and Luca 

The last Sunday the class went to ASTURIAS!!!!!
In aeroplane. Of Menorca – Mallorca – Asturias.
Went to the Dinosaurs miusem and look diferents.
Dinosaurs. We went to mine false look old trains.

Nex day wen to a preistoric cave. In the cave look a
drows of horsies.
Old days play with a news friends and friens of school.
In one day went to OVIEDO “Asturias” and went to the
old shops.

The frst day went to LUANCO in a bus 1:00h.

Thursday look and play the “ 6 concejos” in 3 bigs groups.

Holiday to Asturias

One week and a few days ago we went to Asturias .
When we got there one of the schools from the other counties was alredy there waiting for us and the other group.this group was the group from`` Palencia´´ witch is in ``Castilla Y Leon´´ .After us came the children from ``Cáceres´´ witch is in ``Extremadura´´ .We visitid a lot of musemes and a cave called ``Tito Bustillo´´. We did many activities like making pizzas and biscuits (they were delicious ) and horse-riding .Every day the boys played football . The last day we had a party ,we danced and played and ate crisps and pop corn and drank cocacola and fanta and fizzy drinks .We wish that we could have stayed longer.If we could we would go and visit are new friends and Asturias .


Asturias has very interesting for the monuments, histories,...

Monday: First time we went to Langreo, and we ate in a center of food. In afternoon we visited the “cabo peñas”, and we looked the museum. In the museum looked the video in 3D of the kraken VS cachalote and cachalote wins.

Tuesday: We visited Oviedo, the capital of Asturies, and cathedral's in Oviedo. In the afternoon we went to see a museum of mining, after we visited a false mine.

Wednesday: We was angry... because we didn't could go to the Picos de Europa and the Covadonga Lakes. But we could climb to the mountain Fitú.
In the afternoon we went to “Muja” (Museum Jurassic of Asturias).

Thursday: First of all we went to the cave of "Tito Bustillo" and the museum. In the afternoon we did an activity of making paper roses. In the evening a group of people of Astúrias came to explein the bagpipes.

Friday: First we went to Gijon for a walk in the streets. Then we went to the railway museum. We went to lunch at a cider. We was angry because we didn't could eat Fabada. In the afternoon we returned to IES LUCES where a group of people told us of 6 conceyos and after we played to this games. And at night we had a super party farewell.
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
laszlo i Caterina


We have started presenting our autobiographies. Here you have some photos of the first students presenting their wonderful life stories!









A game that will help you learning the PAST SIMPLE TENSE

Snakes and Ladders

Our Christmas Holidays 

During this week we have been journalists and we have interviewed our classmates to know what they did during the Christmas Holidays. Here you have our wonderful articles.

Caterina's holiday
My classmate Caterina celebrated christmas
with her family at her auntie´s house . Eating turron , having a good time opening presents etc . Her favourite present was the new adition of monopoly electric . After celebrating christmas with her family she whent to palma on the 3rd until the 4th then came back for the three kings on the 6th .

By Molly
My classmate Dana, on Christmas, went to Barcelona on the 22 of December 2011,with her family and came back on the 4th of January. In Barcelona she had a party, eat soup she went to bed at 2.o clock and she had a good time...
By Ben
Ben's holidays

Ben didn't go out the island this chritmas.
The three kings give a lots of presents, and Santa cloes as well.
The favorit present of Ben is the bord game. Ben eat turky the
night of chritmas.
The night of chritmas is the favorit day of the holidays of Ben.


She had many presents from her family and Father Christmas. The name of very important presents are:
-A Laptop
-A horse things...
And favourite present is a Laptop. And she is very, very happy. She play games. She didn´t leave Minorca for Christmas. She had party. She ate a lot.

By Caterina

I'm Joan Mestres, the new jornalist of TRAMUNTANA and I will tell you what did Lidia in her holidays.
Lidia didn't travel, she stayed in Menorca in Addaia's house with her family. The others years she went to Barcelona but this year she didn't go.
At Christmas she got 7 presents. The best presents for her are: two games for the play station and a tennis racket controller for wii.

By Joan
Luca's holidays

Luca went to England this Christmas.
Santa Claus gave a lot of presents but no coal:
An Ipod, harmonica,books,DVD,toothbrush... the best present was the Ipod.
He is very happy with the presents!!!
He did not eat “Turron”but they eat a lot of turkey and sweets.
By Lluna



Aina had a very good Christmas. The wizard kings and Santa Claus came and she recived many presents, for example: a doll of rabbit. She didn't travel this Christmas, but yes she eated (torro), the 12 grapes, etc.
By Aina


Ivan's fauvorite present was the skateboard.

He recieved 11 presents.

He ate chocolate and sweets at Christmas.

Ivan at the new year played games,ate grapes
opened the presents and played the secret

He ate turkey on the new year.

Ivan on Christmas stayed here in Menorca.

On Kings day he opened the presents.

Ivan didn´t recieve Christmas cards at the

He didn'd see it snow on the holidays.
By Kevin
Laszlo's holidays
Laszlo really like presents, his favorite comic (book).
And he diden`t eat grapes, because he like olives..
Lazlo went to (cavalgatas).Lazlo hat three presents.
By Aina

Eric stayed here for christmas.
On this christmas he didn´t eat turkey but he eat a little bit of chocolat.
He´s favorite presents wor the Play Station2 games , Memory Card , the tawal and the mando of the Play Station2.
Eric asked for 3 presents, the three kings put him what he wanted.
The 6th all the family came and he played with he´s friends.
By Emi


Aina had a very good Christmas. The wizard kings and Santa Claus came and she recived many presents, for example: a doll of rabbit. She didn't travel this Christmas, but yes she eated (torro), the 12 grapes, etc.
By Laszlo


Emi really liked presents, her favorite is xilofon , She went to see her family she diden`t see the cavalgates ,she put the christmas tree, she sing litle bit .

By Eric


We use the Past Simple to talk about actions in the past that have finished. For example, to write about our Christmas holidays we use the past. Eg: I went to Barcelona to visit my family.

Here you have some games and videos that may help you.

Christmas Games

English Word Games

Christmas Song: Let it Snow

 Making Cakes From All Over The World

In our school we are baking cakes from all over the world .This week we have chosen 3 they were from Brazil
Japan and Hawaii .Cake from Brazil was with chocolate ,
the cake from Japan yogurt and cream ,the cake from Hawaii was with coconut .Next week were making 3 more!!!they are going to be delicious and the previous ones were really tasty .Yum yum!!

Lluna and Molly

Year 5 and 6 Photo

Tongue Twister of the week

"I can think of six thin things, but I can think of six thick things too."

Possessive Adjectives.

Here you have some theory to help you understand better when the possessive adjectives have to be used. Click on the image.

And some exercises to practise and make sure you understand it perfectly!!!

Activity 1: Choose the correct word

Activity 2: Answer the following multiiple-choice questions

Bob Marley's Quiz! Remember, to play click on the image.

Hello children and families!
Her you have the lyrics of No Woman No Cry to practice at home!